Bliss & enlightenment aren’t big deals to me. I’ve felt for a while there was more behind it. My recent discoveries have shown me that experiences ≠ beingness. It means people experiencing bliss & enlightenment, including myself, aren’t in beingness.
It’s led me to look at whether anyone has ever reached beingness. I’ve seen none so far in recent history. The only energy I’ve seen that has shown me that beingness is possible is the Shroud of Turin. It is undeniable.
This brings me to another unfoldment and this is the most exciting realization I’ve had so far: that once a person or energy is in beingness, they can become a source in and of itself. This energy can birth its own universes to play with.
The path to beingness isn’t a path. One can be in bliss or enlightenment 24/7 but it doesn’t culminate into beingness. This is because enlightenment and bliss are still experiences. Experiences mean you can get on the roller coaster and ride 24/7 if you want. But riding the roller coaster doesn’t turn you into the roller coaster itself. This is the difference between experiencing vs. being.
Should a person try to flip modes into beingness? Some energies have potential to be a source. If your energy has this potential, you will be encountering glimpses and impulses in this lifetime. This isn’t about having supernatural or intuitive abilities or being able to access bliss and enlightenment. This is to do with a seamlessness within you.
A seam means to attach two together. When you’re seamless, there is no two. There is no one thing attaching to the other. There is just one. Because this energy has no seam, it means it is perpetual, never-ending. This is one indication an energy has the potential or possibility of becoming a source.
Dwindling down from two into one is interesting to me because we can see this is how psychological love is distinctly different from unconditional love. Psychological love means we separate the lover from the beloved. Unconditional love means the beloved is dropped. The lover is also dropped.
The same thing applies to experiences vs. beingness. Experiences mean we separate the experiencer from the experience. Beingness means the experience gets dropped. Because there is nothing to experience, there is no experiencer.
A lot of spiritual people say that the universe created all this to experience itself. Here we see the idea that the universe cut itself up so that it can separate experiencer from experience. But at the heart of it, there is no experiencer and no experience.
So exciting. 🥰
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